EDS markers
Strong and nearly complete repunched mintmark, diagonal die gouge below the bust; vertical die scratch coming from the lower bar of L in LIBERTY; light diagonal die scratches through TY and behind neck; curving die scratches on face. Die gouge found on cheek to west of lips, die gouge between bust and rim, two short die scratches between GO of GOD, long NW-SE die scratch off lower E of WE
Long north-south from N of UNUM, die scratch headed north off T of CENT. Doubled die reverse 1DR-001, is bold Class VI
MDS markers
Repunched mintmark is weaker on the upper curve, die gouge on cheek bone is present, but weaker, no scratches visible between GO of GOD as seen on EDS, gouges between shoulder and rim are weaker, small die gouge to lower left of T on LIBERTY is weaker than MDS
Reverse is MDS and 1937D-1DR-001.
LDS markers
Repunched mintmark is weaker at top and nearly absent on curve of D, no gouges visible below the bust, die gouge on cheek is barely visible, small die gouge to lower left of T on LIBERTY is weaker than MDS
REVERSE DIE CHANGE, no doubled die reverse, light north-south die polish lines through UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, diagonal die scratch dissects U of UNUM
Value Information
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CONECA: RPM-001  |  Crawford:UNKNOWN
Wexler: WRPM-001  |  FS#:UNLISTED
coin photographed is credited to Brian Allen

The secondary mintmark on this variety is nearly complete and is spread closely to the north. A reverse die change includes a nice Class 6 doubled die reverse. It is listed as 1937D-1DR-001. As such, those coins with both the RPM and DDR will command a slight premium over those with just the RPM.


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