EDS markers
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
MDS markers
A die scratch shows under the TR of TRUST. Concentric die scratches show in the face. A die crack runs NE across the shoulder. Check mintmark placement when attributing any die with a hand punched mintmark.
A heavy die scratch runs NE from the end of the left wheat lines. A die scratch runs along the right side of the U of UNITED. A small die crack runs south from the T of CENT. Light SW-NE die scratches show under the right side of AMERICA. Reverse is LDS.
LDS markers
Die crack across lapel. A die crack runs NE across the shoulder. Concentric die scratches show in the face. Die break on nose.
Reverse die changed. Concentric die scratches near E in ONE. Concentric die scratches across lower part of reverse between both wheat stems.
Value Information
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| CLASS 5+6 (LDS)
CONECA: DDO-002  |  Crawford:UNKNOWN
coin photographed is credited to Eric Beyer

Moderate extra thickness shows on all outer devices, and doubling shows at the bottom of LIB of LIBERTY.


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