EDS markers
A die scratch runs WNW from the top of the T in LIBERTY. ESE die scratches running from the nose, lips, and chin.
A die chip can be found in the upper wheat grains.
MDS markers
A old die gouge runs WNW from the bottom of the 1 of the date. Die gouge north of 9 in date. A die gouge to the north of the L in LIBERTY. Worn SE die scratches under nose. Reverse is MDS
Numerous heavy die scratches through CENT See photos for placement. A die chip and crack in the lower left wheat grains. Die break upper left wheat. NE die scratches through STATES.
LDS markers
Old die scratches and flow lines in front of the lips. A die chip at the base of the U in TRUST. A die chip at the base of the T in LIBERTY.
Reverse die changed. EMDS. A die scratch extends from the mid crossbar of the E in EPU. A die scratch extends SE from the U in UNUM. Die scratches through UNITED.
Value Information
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CONECA: RPM-005  |  Crawford:UNKNOWN
Wexler: WRPM-004  |  FS#:UNKNOWN
coin photographed is credited to James Dowdall

A nice split upper serif and separation line on the upper curve highlight this repunched mintmark. This RPM is very similar to 1955S-1MM-003, but sits further away from the date than #003.


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