EDS markers
Heavy obverse die scratches in all fields.
Die chip on right cornice extending down the #12 column; light die pitting through EPU
MDS markers
Die scratch running from vest up to 9 in date. Short generally northern die scratches from back of vest. N/S die scratch behind hair. SSE die scratch in front of forehead to nose. Reverse is MDS
Die dot under memorial base. No die break on column 12 as in LDS.
LDS markers
Die scratches on obverse mostly worn away. Die dot SE of chin. Reverse is LDS
Die breaks on column 12 and right cornice. Die dot between T in CENT and rim. Die dot above N in CENT.
Value Information
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CONECA: RPM-002  |  Crawford:CRPM-003
Wexler: WRPM-007  |  FS#:UNLISTED
coin photographed is credited to Chuck Daughtrey

Large date. A very nice west spread in this repunched mintmark, its appearance is close to that of 1960D-1MM-003, but its position in relation to the date is lower.


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