EDS markers
A single die scratch in the lower bust area runs NE-SW through the shoulder fold area. Faint small die scratches show in the throat area down to the first two digits in the date.
Reverse is MDS. A single concentric die scratch runs east from the S in PLURIBUS. A pre-depression and die break shows on the upper right cornice of the memorial. A thin die crack runs south through column 12. Chip at bottom left base
MDS markers
Two die scratches show in the lower bust area. One east-west shows on the lapel, and another runs NE-SW from the shoulder fold onto the shoulder. Two north-south die scratches on the head, one in the hair above the ear and another at the hair line on the forehead.
Reverse die changed. Reverse is LDS. A thin, small die scratch shows from the U in UNITED to column 1 in the memorial. Signs of old N-S die scratches show through AMERICA but are faint.
LDS markers
Very light die scratches around LIBERTY. A large, very prominent die crack over the ear.
Die break on right cornice with a die crack flowing down column # 12. Die break on left upper base. Three fading die scratches from a die cleaning from MDS. Reverse is LDS.
Value Information
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CONECA: RPM-003  |  Crawford:CRPM-004
Wexler: WRPM-008  |  FS#:UNLISTED
coin photographed is credited to Brian Allen

Large date. A nice west spread that shows better in later die states than in earlier die states. Beware, this one looks much like 1960D-1MM-002 but is higher in position.


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