EDS markers
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
MDS markers
Concentric die scratch shows running mid-way through the letters of TRUST. light diagonal die scratches below IN GOD, Die gouges show inside the folds of the coat in the lower bust.
A large die break shows n the outside of the lower left base. Reverse is MLDS.
LDS markers
A long concentric die scratch shows running mid-way through the letters of TRUST. Old scattered NE-SW die scratches show in the date and on the first half of LIBERTY. Die gouges show inside the folds of the coat in the lower bust.
A large die break shows n the outside of the lower left base. Reverse is LDS.
Value Information
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CONECA: RPM-095  |  Crawford:UNKNOWN
Wexler: WRPM-136  |  FS#:UNLISTED
coin photographed is credited to R. S. Cooper

Large date. An extra horizontal bar rests on top of the primary mintmark. This one is very close to 1960D-1MM-090. The main marker is a series of die gouges through the B of LIBERTY.


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