EDS markers
Heavy N-S die scratches show all over the obverse - see photographs for exact position. NW-SE die scratches show on the lower bust.
Very heavy concentric die scratches show through STATES. Other heavy die scratches show running in all directions throughout the reverse - see photographs for exact position. Reverse is EDS.
MDS markers
Heavy N-S die scratches show in area around date. Doubling can be seen on motto. Pair of heavy die scratch show on jacket. Generally N/S die scratches through ERTY in LIBERTY. NW-SE die scratches show on the lower bust. Small die gouge on upper horizontal bar of last T n TRUST. Reverse is LMDS
Die clash shows through STATES. Crossing die scratches between UNITED and left side of memorial. ESE die scratches from ST in STATES through E PLURIBUS. E/W die scratches from S in PLURIBUS to M in AMERICA. Die crack runs through CE in CENT. Die break left base.
LDS markers
Heavy N-S die scratches show in area around date. Doubling can be seen on motto. Generally N/S die scratches through ERTY in LIBERTY. NW-SE die scratches show on the lower bust. Reverse is ELDS
Very heavy concentric die scratches show through STATES ESE die scratches from ST in STATES through E PLURIBUS. E/W die scratches from S in PLURIBUS to M in AMERICA. Die crack runs through CE in CENT. Die break left base. NNE die scratches from column 1 to TE in UNITED.
Value Information
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Wexler: WRPM-151  |  FS#:UNLISTED
coin photographed is credited to the author

Small Date: This repunched mintmark shows a split in the lower serif, and shows a bulge with a minor split in the upper serif. Also listed as 1960D-1DO-005


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