EDS markers
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
MDS markers
An deep concentric die scratch or gouge is present above ST of TRUST. Old curved die gouge coming off of the lower 1 in the date.
Die gouge seen through E of UNITED. ESE die scratch above L in PLURIBUS. E/W die scratch connects EN in CENT.
LDS markers
Outer loop of the repunched mintmark has been abraded away; numerous, mostly SW-NE diagonal die scratches are seen across much of the obverse; die clash remnants are seen behind the head at the neck and in front of the face; arced die scratch above ST of TRUST is still clearly visible.
Die dent behind the E of UNITED is faint, but visible as is numerous die scratches and small die gouges; a bi-level crack has developed in the field off of the right eave; a crack runs across the right eave and cornice; die clash marks in bays 3 & 4 as well as the field below the memorial floor; die gouge at base of T is gone and replaced by two knew gouges as well as numerous die scratches; strong die scratches throughout the reverse (see photos).
Value Information
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CONECA: RPM-025  |  Crawford:UNKNOWN
Wexler: WRPM-025  |  FS#:UNLISTED
coin photographed is credited to Jason Cuvelier

This RPM shows as a deep lower protrusion that arks up and shows the outer loop of the D as well as a middle bar. The extra outer loop is not visible on later die states.


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