EDS markers
Numerous NW-SE die scratches through RTY of LIBERTY and the date.
Light E-W die scratches throughout the reverse including the tops of memorial bays 6 and 7. Reverse is EMDS.
MDS markers
Die scratches from the neck area to the 19 of the date. Die scratch between the T and Y of LIBERTY, and around the back of the collar.
None noted on the specimen examined. Reverse is MDS.
LDS markers
An old but heavy die scratch shows from the bow tie to the 1 in the date. Two parallel die scratches run NE from the Y in LIBERTY.
Die scratches run E-W through PLURIBUS UNUM. A heavy die dot shows in the field beneath the right planter of the memorial.
Value Information
Quick Links...
CONECA: DDO-001  |  Crawford:CDDO-001
Wexler: WDDO-001  |  FS#:101
coin photographed is credited to Jason Cuvelier

A tilted hubbing shows a CCW spread as a very low 3 under a normal 3. This die varies in visibility and value from EDS through LDS. Earlier die states show a portion of the very low 3 under the primary 3. Values given are for MDS. Double the values for EDS and take off 25% for LDS. Old CPG #025,8


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