EDS markers
Small die gouges show on top of both Ts of TRUST; curved, nearly parallel, die scratches can be seen along the rims, strongest above TRUST; light, nearly vertical die scratches through GOD
Light diagonal, nearly horizontal die scratches below the memorial and above ONE CENT; light die scratches above the lower left memorial corner; curved die scratches above the left upper memorial roof corner.
MDS markers
Light parallel die scratches run nW from the top of the 9 in the date. Small die gouges show on top of both T's of TRUST.
A die scratch from the rim above the E in UNITED.
LDS markers
All EDS through MDS markers ave worn away. Doubling is mushier yet still visible especially in TRUST. LDS
Two small die gouges in the field near FG. LDS
Value Information
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CONECA: DDO-008  |  Crawford:CDDO-008
Wexler: WDDO-008  |  FS#:108
coin photographed is credited to Bob Piazza

Nice CW rotated hub doubling seen on LIBERTY, IN GOD WE TRUST, the outer coat folds, and the date. Very similar to, but stronger than, die 003. Old CPG #033.58


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