EDS markers
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
MDS markers
Master die doubling seen on the tail of the last 9 in the date. Numerous die scratches on the base of the bust. Obverse is EMDS.
Machine doubling was also present on this coin and was present on some of the same devices as the class 3 doubling. Numerous N-S die scratches through the N of CENT.
LDS markers
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
Markers for this die state are not yet known.
Value Information
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CONECA: VDDR-038  |  Crawford:UNKNOWN
coin photographed is credited to Jason Dick

A light spread on ITE of UNITED, STA of STATES, F of OF, and ME of AMERICA. This doubled die is on the VDB style reverse. NOTE: Subsequent evaluation and discussion shows that there is a real possibility that many dies could exist with very similar doubling which could be attributed to working hub or master die doubling.


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