VF25 Attributes..
A coin with light to moderate wear. All major details will be clear and distinct. Some flattening in higher relief areas will be noted. Coins in this grade will not exhibit poor eye appeal.
obverse - All hair detail will show, but the area just above the ear will show some flattening. The outline of the ear will be nearly complete, with some flattening behind the ear. The cheek and jaw will be separated but noted areas of flatness will be present. All major folds in the coat will be clear, and some of the minor detail will appear but may be indistinct, especially on poorly struck examples. Most of the bow tie detail will be evident.
reverse - All of the wheat lines will be visible, except on poorly struck examples in which even coins grading AU will not show complete separation in this area. All wheat grain detail will be complete. Memorial cents are rarely seen below this grade - They will show light areas of flattening on the columns and in the cornice and roof area. The steps will be weak but complete. The planters will show weakness but will be complete.